Didenko Alexander Vladimirovich – a wonderful person and a remarkable scientist, passed away on May, 26 2015.
Alexander Vladimirovich was born in Almaty on September 25, 1948.
After graduating from the high school he entered Physics and Technology faculty of the Novosibirsk State Technical University.
In 1970 for health reasons he was transferred to the Abay Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and finished it successfully in 1972.
From 1972 to 1974, Alexander Vladimirovich worked as a junior researcher at the Institute of Soil Science.
In 1975, Didenko A.V. joined the staff of the Astrophysical Institute . In the beginning of his scientific activity he was engaged in research on astroclimate at coronal station and then as deputy chief of the expedition at the Assy – Turgen plateau , he participated in the organization of the observation base at Assy – Turgen plateau and was one of the main performers of the theme ” Astroclimate .”
Alexander Vladimirovich took an active part in the social life of the Institute : he was a member of the local committee , member of the Board of Young Scientists of the institute.
Beginning from 1979, he was the responsible executer of all the contractual themes, which were performed by a group of Automated Measuring Complex (later – Laboratory of artificial satellites observations ) .
Didenko A.V. was one of the first , who began to determine optical characteristics of artificial space objects and he became one of the leading specialists of this branch. During these years he worked on the automation of astronomical observations using a computer and television technology in order to identify artificial space objects.
In 1992 he presented dissertation on “Investigation of photometric performance of geostationary satellites by electrophotometry” in the Odessa State University.” The results of his work were presented at different conferences, and they are of great practical importance.
Alexander Vladimirovich was a member of the coordinating council of the observations of geostationary satellites at the Research and Production Association “Vympel”
Until 1991 he was the deputy chairman, and later – a member of the working group of the expert- analytical group at the Centre for Space Monitoring of the USSR , participated in the development of the strategy and tactics of the space control ; actively participated in the development of the State Space Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan . In 2000, the work of Didenko A.V. and Demchenko B.I. “Zonal catalog of geostationary satellites” was nominated for the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
More than 90 scientific papers of Didenko A.V. were published in periodicals of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS.
In recent years, he worked as head of the sector of artificial satellites observations and information systems.
The memory of Alexander Didenko remains in the hearts of his family, colleagues and acquaintances.