General concept of the project

The mechanisms of thermonuclear processes in installations of controlled thermonuclear fusion are clarified in the represented Project. The theoretical calculations will be carried out on the basis of modified potential cluster model (MPCM), which have the goal to explain the behavior of the basic characteristics of any thermonuclear reaction – total cross section, reaction rate or astrophysical S-factor for some processes. Such theoretical studies are also important for understanding the mechanisms of flowing processes of thermonuclear fusion in the controlled thermonuclear reactors. The analysis of this phenomenon allows one to carry out calculation of the rates of thermonuclear reactions in processes of the controlled thermonuclear fusion.

Goal of the project

Obtaining the total cross sections, astrophysical S-factors and thermonuclear reaction rates flowing in the process of the controlled thermonuclear fusion on lithium isotopes. Possible study of these radiative capture reactions on lithium isotopes at testing lithium thermonuclear plasma of the reactor.

Tasks of the project

Study of the reaction rates passing in process of the controlled thermonuclear fusion for reactions: p + 8Li -> 9Be + g, p + 7Li -> 8Be + g and p + 6Li -> 7Be + g, and also approximation them by simple functions in the range of low and astrophysical energies.


2020 year. Debugging of computer codes for carrying out calculations, pointed for 2021–2022 years. Test of the computer codes. Searching in the literature or bases the experimental data results of other theoretical calculations for comparison with our results, obtained in the next years.

This problem based on the necessity for preparing the calculations for 2021–2022 years, and also by searching data for thermonuclear reactions p + 8Li -> 9Be + g, p + 7Li -> 8Be + g and p + 6Li -> 7Be + g.

2021 year. Study of the thermonuclear reaction rates: p + 8Li -> 9Be + g and p + 7Li -> 8Be + g, and approximation them by simple functions.

Studies of these thermonuclear reactions are carried out based on the renewed codes, obtained in 2020 year.

2022 year. Study of the thermonuclear reaction rate: p + 6Li -> 7Be + g, and approximation them by simple functions.

Study of this thermonuclear reaction is carried out based on the renewed codes, obtained in 2020 year.

Expected results

Thermonuclear reaction rates of: p + 8Li -> 9Be + g, p + 7Li -> 8Be + g and p + 6Li -> 7Be + g and results of approximation them by simple functions.

Participants of the project

1 Джазаиров-Кахраманов Альберт Вейсалович
2 Карипбаева Лариса Тулеугазиевна
3 Каримова Айнұр Темірханкызы
4 Дубовиченко Сергей Борисович
5 Имамбек Онласын
6 Ткаченко Алеся Сергеевна
7 Стеблякова Асия Алиевна


1 Dubovichenko S.B., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Burkova N.A. Reaction rate of the 7Li(p,γ)8Be radiative capture at low energies // Nuclear Physics A. – 2021. – Vol. 1015. – P.122312;, IF=1.695, Q2 Netherlands.
2 Dubovichenko S.B., Burkova N.A., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Tkachenko A.S., Samratova A. Reaction Rate of the p6Li Capture // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika. – 2021. – V.64. – (accepted, in press). IF=0.625, Q3 USA.
3 Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A.V., Imambekov O., Karipbaeva L.T., Steblyakova A.A. The role of resonances in the capture of 8Li(p,γ)9Be on the reaction rate of the relevant astrophysical synthesis of 9Be // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Physico-Mathematical Series. – Vol. 4. – Number 328. – 2021. – P.50-59.