Development of a tool and methodology for processing and integrating digitized archival spectral and photometric observational data of the FAI into the Virtual Observatory

Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute maintains a digitized archival database of photometric and spectral data, comprising over 10,000 digitized images related to various astronomical objects. The observations were conducted using various instruments and methods. Our objective is to develop an interactive software package designed to facilitate the swift and efficient extraction of numerical data from the FAI archive, followed by integration of this information into the database of the Virtual Observatory.

Leader: Shomshekova, Saule • AP22784884 • 2024-2026

Development of the concept for the first Kazakhstani orbital cislunar telescope – Phase I

The project aims at developing the space system architecture for the mission to study resident space objects of artificial and natural origin from a cislunar orbit. Within this program, Phase I will be completed, comprising the conceptualization of scientific tasks of the highest priority, spacecraft design technology and prototyping of its individual segments

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR24992759 • 2024-2026

Creation of Kazakhstani telescope network for the development of the national space situational awareness system

The program is intended to develop a multifunctional instrumental optical observatory with a flexible scheduling, designed for astronomical research. We are set to apply the strategy based on communication, coordination, automation and data processing that have become available due to the recent upgrade and robotization of ATO telescopes; the development of infrastructure allowing us to use FAI’s optical and computing facilities.

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR20381077 • 2023-2025

Investigation of dynamics of near-nuclear regions of Seyfert galaxies

The idea of the Project: using the unique archive of digitized spectra obtained in FAI, as well as the results of recent observations, to compile a catalog of Seyfert galaxies displaying significant photometric and spectral variability, followed by a comprehensive study of that variability. The spectral observational data, both archival and newly obtained as a result of the project, are of great interest to the international community engaged in the study of AGNs. The results of a comprehensive analysis of this extensive material will shed light on the nature of Seyfert variability and, possibly, reveal new phenomena of such variability.

Leader: Shomshekova, Saule • AP19676713 • 2023-2025

Program of fundamental astrophysical research in Kazakhstan: observations and theory

The program is aimed at obtaining new knowledge based on its own optical observations, using its own unique digitized database, as well as on the basis of modeling astrophysical processes and phenomena in the Universe using its own high-performance computing systems.

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR20280974 • 2023-2025

Development of Kazakhstan digital environment for astronomical research of near and deep space objects within the international virtual observatory network

The project aims at the integration of astronomical research in Kazakhstan into the international Virtual Observatory ecosystem. It pursues the development of digital virtual environment for astronomical research and provision of data analysis tools for the study of near and deep space objects

Leader: Yurin, Denis • BR24992807 • 2024-2026

The Energy Release of Cyclic Reactions of the Kilonova GW170817-GRB170817A-AT2017gfo

The idea of the project comes from the current state of research on the kilonova GW170817-GRB170817A-AT2017gfo, which marked the beginning of multi-messenger astrophysics. A comprehensive examination of this event, including methods of numerical calculations, data analysis and theoretical models, will complement and clarify the general physical mechanisms by identifying additional effects in the astrophysical system, as well as limitations that arise during the course of explosive processes in stars with the release of huge amounts of energy that can transform elemental composition on a galactic scale. The project is aimed at studying the problem of energy release in the s-barrier region during a kilonova explosion, which the ejected substance undergoes at the stage of enrichment with free neutrons.

Leader: Aimuratov, Yerlan • AP23488136 • 2024-2026

Development of the Astronomical Research Hub Involving Kazakhstani and International Optical Instruments and Innovative Technologies

The program is aimed at the development of astronomical hub (AstroHub) — a unified ecosystem combining Kazakhstani and foreign optical telescopes at Assy-Turgen Observatory, near-Earth space monitoring systems, hardware and software tools for collecting, analyzing, storing observational data, and maintaining the growth of expertise in optical mechanical instrument engineering for ground-based observatories.

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR21881880 • 2023-2025

New opportunities for kinetic description of dynamics of rarefied many-particle systems using the concept of "quasiparticles" and group-theoretical methods

The idea of the project is to further expand the interpretation of the kinetic theory using the two-particle kinetic equation previously proposed by us, as well as the concepts of "quasiparticle" and "quasi-collision" based on the exact transformation of the scattering operator into a divergence form, and with the usage of the renormalization group method to transform the equations

Leader: Saveliev, Vladimir • AP19678165 • 2023-2025


Intermediate-mass black holes in dense stellar systems

The idea of the Project is to study the effects of intermediate mass black holes (IMBH) on the dynamics of the young stellar population of dense star clusters in galactic nuclei to search for evidence of the presence of IMBH. A feature of the Project is the use of methods of N-body problem direct integration for all dynamic components of a stellar system, with the principle that one particle - one star on 10 million years time scales. The results of our numerical models will make it possible to compare the galactic center observations data and calculate the presence of IMBH

Leader: Panamarev, Taras • AP14870501 • 2022-2024

Development of the National System for Space Situational Awareness: Monitoring of Near-Earth and Deep Space and Space Weather

The program is aimed at solving the problems of near-Earth space safe usage, orbital objects near-miss events (primarily, for Kazakhstani satellites), asteroid hazard, space weather monitoring, and tracking of space debris fragments

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR11265408 • 2021-2023

Elliptical galaxies: Structure, dynamics and sources for gravitational waves

The Project is aimed at the study of dynamical stability of various triaxial configuratins of N-body systems with respect to external perturbations. One of the major goals of the analysis is in simulating and understanding the actual observed peculiaritites in structure and shape of elliptical galaxies. Besides, it is planned to investigate the accretion of stars onto central supermassive black hole, as well as dwarf types of galaxies as potential sources of gravitational waves

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • AP09259383 • 2021-2023

Reactions in stars and in primordial thermonuclear synthesis at astrophysical energies

The goal of this Project is in the development of the unified methods of calculation of rates for thermonuclear reactions passing in stars, primordial nucleosynthesis of the Universe and controlled thermonuclear fusion and possible studying of these radiative capture reactions on light nuclei at testing thermonuclear plasma of the reactor

Leader: Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov, Albert • AP09259174 • 2021-2023

FEB scenario for exoplanetary systems based on the theory of catastrophic thermal destruction of small bodies

As part of the Kepler mission aimed at searching for exoplanets, many interesting objects were discovered during its 4-year observations, the behavior of which has not yet been adequately explained. These include the behavior of the star KIC 8462852, which shows irregular brightness attenuation events that cannot be explained by periodic orbital phenomena. There is currently no definitive answer about the mechanism responsible for the observed phenomena. The idea of the project is to apply the theory of catastrophic thermal destruction of small bodies (comets, asteroids, and the like) to exoplanetary systems that show such irregular brightness attenuation events. We propose a solution to the problem within the framework of the FEB scenario in its extended understanding.

Leader: Shestakova, Lyubov • AP08956243 • 2020-2022

Numerical study of the mechanism of the formation of spiral arms in disk galaxies

Despite decades of research, the phenomenon of the formation of spiral arms in disk galaxies remains not fully understood and be a real challenge for modern astrophysics. This project aims to accept this challenge and, using high-quality simulations of disk galaxies, to revisit existing theories of the origin of the spiral pattern, and possibly to formulate new theory. The main advantage of the project is the availability of a new tool for generating high-quality equilibrium models of disk galaxies - the GALIC-3D code

Leader: Yurin, Denis • AP08052312 • 2020-2022

Study of additional thermonuclear reactions flowing in the process of the controlled thermonuclear fusion on lithium isotopes

The goal of the Project is in obtaining the total cross sections, astrophysical S-factors and thermonuclear reaction rates flowing in the process of the controlled thermonuclear fusion on lithium isotopes. Possible study of these radiative capture reactions on lithium isotopes at testing lithium thermonuclear plasma of the reactor

Leader: Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov, Albert • AP05130104 • 2020-2022

The degradation and lifetime estimation for the geostationary satellites by its photometric observations

The idea of the project is to study changes in the properties of materials used in the space industry to change the photometric characteristics of geostationary satellites in various spectral ranges. Predictive changes in the properties of satellite coating materials (various films, insulation layers, possibly thin layers of paint, etc.) under the influence of cosmic radiation and orbital collisions will make it possible to estimate the operation time of satellites, in particular, of the Kazsat series.

Leader: Bibossinov, Assylhan • AP08052884 • 2020-2022

Исследование физических процессов во внегалактических и галактических объектах и их подсистемах

Программа имеет целью исследование физических процессов во Вселенной на основе наблюдений, развитие теоретических и численных моделей эволюции звезд, звездных систем и неравновесных процессов околоземного пространства, изучение релятивистских эффектов в компактных объектах и влияния темной материи на движение барионной материи, исследование процессов нуклеосинтеза в звездах..

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR05236322 • 2018-2020

Investigation of the orbital and photometric characteristics of active and passive GSS and their evolution

Целью проекта является создание единой системы мониторинга активных и пассивных геостационарных спутников в зоне 30° – 120° восточной долготы в Республике Казахстан. Также в рамках проекта разрабатывается методика выявления потенциально опасных объектов, определения параметров их орбит и определения вероятности и моментов опасных сближений.

Leader: Serebryanskiy, Alexander • 0069/ГФ4-15 • 2015-2017

Study the variability of stars and the matter exchange processes with gas and dust disk

Problems related to study of active processes in the circumstellar envelope of gas and dust disk during the formation of stars are among the most urgent problems of astrophysics. The project aims at photometric studies of variability and microvariability of the stars, exoplanet transits, study of matter exchange processes between the stars and the surrounding gas and dust disks.

Leader: Shestakova, Lyubov • 0075/ГФ4-15 • 2015-2017

Thermonuclear reactions in stars and in controlled thermonuclear fusion

The project aims at solving the actual problems of nuclear astrophysics on the description of the total cross sections of thermonuclear processes of the solar CNO cycle and related with it reactions with protons and neutrons. Such theoretical researches are important for the understanding of the thermonuclear fusion mechanisms in a stellar matter in the Sun and stars. The understanding of this mechanism allows us to carry out future calculations of the total cross sections and the reaction rates for any thermonuclear processes in stars, including the processes of controlled thermonuclear fusion for thermonuclear reactors like ITER.

Leader: Dubovichenko, Sergei • 0070/ГФ4-15 • 2015-2017

Triune model of Galactic center dynamical evolution on cosmological time scale

The project is dedicated to the detailed dynamical study of three spatial zones of the Galaxy. The novelty and unique feature is a combination of these zones into one dynamically interconnected system, by using a powerful computational facility available to the current project. Complex description will provide us the unique opportunity to understand the physical picture of Galaxy global evolution.

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • AP14869395 • 2022-2024

Development of the national Virtual Observatory based on robotic telescopes, Big-Data technologies, and high-performance computing

The idea of the Program is to advance astronomical research in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) to a new technological level, to integrate instrumental capabilities and observational data of Kazakhstani observatories into the international astronomical environment, and to establish the national Virtual Observatory

Leader: Omarov, Chingis • BR10965141 • 2021-2023

Multilevel Data Analysis of the Catalogues on Galactic and Extragalactic Scales

The main problem of modern research includes processing and analysis of large multiparametric data from various astronomical instruments, which can no longer be covered by traditional methods of analysis. Accordingly, more advanced techniques are being developed to work with big data, namely, store, retrieve and conduct efficient analysis. In general, this allows us to look at open astrophysical problems from a different angle, to propose new ways of finding solutions. These tasks include: classification, clustering, anomaly detection, timing analysis, regression, and visualization. It is also common for analysis of objects with multidimensional data to reveal completely new unknown problems.

Leader: Aimuratov, Yerlan • AP09258811 • 2021-2023

Изучение скоростей некоторых термоядерных реакций в солнечных циклах и BBN

The goal of the Project is in the development of unified methods for calculating full sections and rates of thermonuclear reactions which occurr in Big Bang nucleosynthesis and in controlled fusion reactions, on the basis of modified potential cluster model, and comparative analysis of the obtained results with experimental data

Leader: Dubovichenko, Sergei • AP09259021 • 2021-2023

Numerical modeling of galactic centers by direct integration

The idea of the Project - to study the dynamics of physical processes occurring in the centers of galaxies during the interaction of stars with a central supermassive black hole (SMBH), using the latest advances in computational technology

Leader: Panamarev, Taras • AP08856184 • 2020-2022

Rates of thermonuclear processes in Big Bang nucleosynthesis

The goal of the Project is in the development of unified methods for calculating full sections and rates of thermonuclear reactions which occur in Big Bang nucleosynthesis and in controlled fusion, and comparative analysis of the obtained results with experimental data and results of other authors

Leader: Dubovichenko, Sergei • AP08855616 • 2020-2022

Study on gamma-ray bursts associated with supernovae

The main idea of the project comes from the current studies of a population of long GRBs associated with supernovae. It is believed that massive Wolf-Rayet stars could be predecessors of such supernova explosions. The presence of Wolf-Rayet stars in our galaxy, in turn, opens up additional possibilities for their detailed study with Kazakhstani mid-size telescopes. The identification of any dependencies between galactic Wolf-Rayet stars and their identification as precursors to supernova explosions in association with cosmological long GRBs would allow, among other things, a prediction for future catastrophic processes in our galaxy connected to GRB explosions.

Leader: Aimuratov, Yerlan • AP08855631 • 2020-2022

GALIC3D: Simulations of far-space objects with parallel computing technologies

The project main objective is to create a computer program for generating triaxial numerical models of galaxies in collisionless equilibrium with prescribed density and velocity structure. To achieve this goal, the project starts with the open-source code GALIC, and then modify it to a fully three-dimensional version.

Leader: Yurin, Denis • МЦРИАП РК • 2018-2020

Investigation of the dynamical evolution of multicomponent star clusters and their subsystems

Целью проекта является решение задач звездной динамики и эволюции больших многокомпонентных звёздных систем на основе методов N-body simulations. При этом будут учитываться не только гравитационные взаимодействия звёзд, но и различные процессы негравитационной природы - контактные взаимодействия звёзд между собой и с газовой средой, аккреция звезд на центральную черную дыру, а также внутренняя эволюция звёзд. При этом будет разработан метод подобия для переноса полученных модельных результатов на реальные системы.

Leader: Vilkoviskij, Emmanuil • МОН РК 0073-10/ПЦФ-15 • 2015-2017

Study of optical and dynamic characteristics of space debris on geostationary orbits

Целью данного проекта является мониторинг геостационарной зоны для сопровождения известных фрагментов космического мусора, а также обнаружение новых объектов и определение их оптических и динамических характеристик. Кроме того, задачей проекта является выявление элементов космического мусора, представляющих потенциальную угрозу для казахстанских телекоммуникационным спутников.

Leader: Serebryanskiy, Alexander • АКМИР 0003-1/ПЦФ-15 • 2015-2017

The study of the ammonia absorption and its variations in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn

Ammonia plays an important role in the atmospheres of the giant planets, but many features of its behavior as an agent that forms clouds, and its distribution in the region of the troposphere are poorly understood. This project aims at determining the range and regularities of spatial and temporal variations of the gaseous ammonia absorption bands in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and their relation to the thermal regimes of the planets.

Leader: Tejfel, Victor • 0073/ГФ4-15 • 2015-2017

STARDISK: Simulating Dense Star-Gas Systems in Galactic Nuclei using Special Hardware

The project aims at the numerical researches of certain processes in active galactic nuclei, namely: gravitational interaction, dissipation of energy of the stars in the gas and accretion of the star into the black hole. Particular topic examined by the project is the interplay between stellar two-body relaxation and star-gas interactions due to an accretion gas disc.

Leader: Vilkoviskij, Emmanuil • VolkswagenStiftung • 2006-2009