Vladimir Vdovichenko Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Physics of the Moon and Planets


Fields of research: physics of the atmospheres of giant planets, mesospheric noctilucent clouds

Email: vdovichenko@fai.kz


1968 – graduated from Physics Department of Kazakh State University (now KazNU named after Al-Farabi) with a degree in Nuclear physics.

1980 – defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on the topic “Narrowband absolute spectrophotometry of Jupiter” at the dissertation council of the Pulkovo Observatory

Work expirience:

Since 1968 yr. a researcher at Fesenkov astrophysical institute.


  • Vdovichenko V.D., Karimov A.M., Kirienko G.A., Lysenko P.G., Tejfel V.G., Filippov V.A., Kharitonova G.A., Khozhenets A.P. Zonal Features in the Behavior of Weak Molecular Absorption Bands on Jupiter. Solar System Research, 55, 35-46. February 2021. [doi]
  • Vdovichenko V.D., Kirienko G.A. The noctilucent cloud (NLC) spectral observations in Kazakhstan in 2006-2007. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 28, 139-150. August 2013. [ads]