Shestakova Head of the Laboratory of Physics of Stars and Nebulae

Email: shest1952(at)
Phone: + 7 727 260 74 41


The Moscow State University, Department of Astronomy (Moscow, Russia), graduated in 1975.
From 1975 – in staff of Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute in Kazakhstan. Philosophical degree in astrophysical area was conferred on June 23, 1988 by doctorate council of Moscow State University. Thesis: “The interferometric observations of several regions HII and F- corona of the Sun”. From 2013 – Head of Laboratory of Physics of stars and nebulae at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute.

Field of Research

Dust and Gas dynamics near the Sun, Fabry-Perot Interferometry, Solar Eclipse Observations, Radial Velocity Observations in the F- Corona, Thermal Destruction of Comets, dust sublimation, radiation pressure on atoms and ions.

Liubow Illarionovna Shestakova graduated from Physical Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (by specialty astronomy). After graduation, was hired in the Astrophysical Institute in Almaty as a senior research assistant. In 1979 she was accepted in postgraduate study of the Astrophysical Institute. In 1988 defended candidate thesis on “The interferometric observations of several regions HII and F- corona of the Sun”. She repeatedly participated in expeditions on observation of solar eclipses. In addition to experimental research she carried out a number of theoretical studies related to the problems of thermal destruction of solid bodies from various materials, and the composition of icy comets approaching the Sun on elongated orbits. Also, a series of works are devoted to the numerical modeling of the gas dynamics near the Sun under conditions of strong pressure of solar radiation in selected resonance lines of atoms and ions formed after the thermal destruction of small bodies and dust sublimation near the Sun. In present, L.I. Shestakova is head of the Laboratory of Physics of Stars and Nebulae, grant project supervisor “Investigation of the physical processes in the starburst regions and circumnuclear zones of active galaxies”.


  • Shestakova L. I., Spassyuk R., Omarov C. Thermal stresses as a possible mechanism for initiating the destruction of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. January 2025. [doi]
  • Maliuk A., Budaj J., Mkrtichian D., Garai Z., Zharikov S., Pribulla T., Komžík R., Kusakin A., Shestakova L., Kokumbaeva R., Reva I., Joshi S., Valeev A., Gadelshin D., Valyavin G., A-thano N., Mennickent R., Serebryanskiy A., Kaye T.G. Studying of exoasteroids orbiting around WD 1145+017. Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 54. February 2024. [doi]
  • Shestakova L. I., Serebryanskiy A. The role of radiation pressure in lithium deficit for stars in the stage of late accretion: failure of lithium test for young stellar clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. February 2024. [doi]
  • Shestakova L. I., Serebryanskiy A. V. On the new mechanism of planetary long-period debris formation around white dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. July 2023. [doi]
  • Shestakova L., Serebryanskiy A., Aimanova G. Observations of alkaline emissions NaI, KI and LiI during first minutes after DART probe impact on Dimorphos. Icarus. April 2023. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Serebryanskiy A.V, Krugov M.A., Aimanova G.K., Omarov Ch.T. Signs of Emissions of Alkali Metals Na i, Li i, and K i During First Minutes After DART Probe Crash on Dimorphos. Research Notes of the AAS, 6, 223. October 2022. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Kenzhebekova A.I., Serebryanskiy A.V. On survival of dust grains in the sublimation zone of cold white dwarfs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514, 997-1005. May 2022. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Serebryanskiy A.V., Kenzhebekova A.I. Dynamics of dust grain in the sublimation zone of cold white dwarfs. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakstan, 1, 130-136. March 2022. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Serebryanskiy A.V., Demchenko B.I. Infalling thermally destroyed bodies as a possible explanation for the KIC 8462852 phenomenon. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. January 2021. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Demchenko B.I., Serebryanskiy A.V. On the orbital evolution of dust grains in the sublimation region around WD1145+017. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. June 2019. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Demchenko B.I. Orbital evolution of dust particles in the sublimation zone near the Sun. Solar System Research, 52, 153-167. March 2018. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Demchenko B.I. Results of observations of the dust distribution in the F-corona of the Sun. Solar System Research, 50, 143-160. April 2016. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I. Solar radiation pressure as a mechanism of acceleration of atoms and first ions with low ionization potentials. Solar System Research, 49, 139-145. April 2015. [doi] [ads]
  • Shestakova L.I. Movement of CaII ions in the inner solar system. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 28, 109-120. August 2013. [ads]