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Junior researcher
Field of research: N-body simulations, stellar dynamics, computational astrophysic Email: panamarev@aphi.kz |
Kazakh National University, Physico-technical faculty, 2014. From 2012 — in staff of Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute in Kazakhstan
- Kuvatova D., Panamarev T., Ishchenko M., Gluchshenko A., Berczik P. Estimating gamma-ray flux from millisecond pulsars originating in globular clusters near the Galactic center. Recent Contributions to Physics, 90, 14-20. 2024. [doi] [arxiv]
- Ishchenko M., Berczik P., Panamarev T., Kuvatova D., Kalambay M., Gluchshenko A., Veles O., Sobolenko M., Sobodar O., Omarov C. Dynamical evolution of Milky Way globular clusters on the cosmological timescale. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A178. September 2024. [doi]
- Ginat Y. B., Panamarev T., Kocsis B., Perets H. B. Resonant Dynamical Friction Around a Super-Massive Black Hole: Analytical Description. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. August 2023. [doi]
- Ishchenko M., Sobolenko M., Kuvatova D., Panamarev T., Berczik P. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. II. Interaction with the Galactic centre. Astronomy & Astrophysics. April 2023. [doi] [arxiv]
- Panamarev T., Kocsis B. A numerical study of stellar discs in galactic nuclei. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. October 2022. [doi]
- Shukirgaliyev B., Otebay A., Sobolenko M., Ishchenko M., Borodina O., Panamarev T., Myrzakul S., Kalambay M., Naurzbayeva A., Abdikamalov E., Polyachenko E., Banerjee S., Berczik P., Spurzem R., Just A. Bound mass of Dehnen models with a centrally peaked star formation efficiency. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 654, A53. October 2021. [doi]
- Panamarev T., Otebay A., Shukirgaliyev B., Kalambay M., Just A., Spurzem R., Berczik P., Omarov Ch. Population of double White Dwarfs in the Galactic Center. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 331, 15-20. July 2020. [doi]
- Panamarev T., Just A., Spurzem R., Berczik P., Wang L., Arca Sedda M. Direct N-body simulation of the Galactic centre. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, 3279–3290. April 2019. [doi] [arxiv]
- Panamarev T., Shukirgaliyev B., Meiron Y., Berczik P., Just A., Spurzem R., Omarov Ch., Vilkoviskij E. Star-disc interaction in galactic nuclei: formation of a central stellar disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. February 2018. [doi] [arxiv]
- Shukirgaliyev B.T., Panamarev T.P., Naurzbaeva A.Z., Kalambay M.T., Makukov M.A., Vilkoviskij E.Y., Omarov C.T., Berczik P., Just A., Spurzem R. Effect of gas accretion disc profile on orbital parameters of the accreted stars. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 309, 5-13. October 2016. [ads]
- Kennedy G.F., Meiron Y., Shukirgaliyev B., Panamarev T., Berczik P., Just A., Spurzem R. Star–disc interaction in galactic nuclei: orbits and rates of accreted stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 260, 240–255. April 2016. [doi]
- Шукиргалиев Б.Т., Панамарев Т.П., Абдрахманов С.Г., Макуков М.А., Омаров Ч.Т. Влияние профиля аккреционного диска на динамику активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 5, 5-11. 2015.
- Макуков М.А., Мычелкин Э.Г., Омаров Ч.Т., Панамарев Т.П., Шукиргалиев Б.Т., Юрин Д.В. Моделирование эволюции галактик на фоне темной материи. Астрофизические исследования космических объектов. Под ред. Мусабаева Т.А. – Серия «Казахстанские космические исследования», 10, 136-151. September 2013. [link]
- Vilkoviskij E.Y., Makukov M., Omarov C., Panamarev T., Yurin D., Spurzem R., Berczik P., Just A. Numerical simulations of AGN evolution. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 28, 151-160. August 2013. [ads]