Omarov Chingis Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute director

Professor, PhD

Fields of research: celestial mechanics, stellar dynamics, computational astrophysics.


Phone: + 7 727 260 75 90

Education and work experience

Prof. Dr. Omarov is director of the LLP “Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute”. In 1994 graduated from the al-Farabi Kazakh National University diploma with honors (majoring in mechanics and applied mathematics). Passed internship at the department of operational planning and cargo integration office for the International Space Station at the space mission control center, Houston, Texas, USA (1994). Studied at the International Space University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA (1998). In 1999 — defended his PhD dissertation on the specialty (01.03.02) Astrophysics and radio astronomy. From 2001 to 2002 fellowship of the German DAAD Foundation in Astronomisches Rechen Institute (ZAH, Heidelberg, Germany) under supervision Prof.Dr. Rainer Spurzem. In 2003-2004 fellowships of DAAD-NATO and German Science Foundation (DFG) at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institute (ZAH, Heidelberg, Germany).

Chingis Omarov’s scientific interests include research in the field of celestial mechanics, stellar dynamics and computational (nbody6++) and observational astrophysics. In 2007-2012 he was co-PI of the German-Kazakhstan grant of the Volkswagen Foundation in “Star-Disk” project led by Rainer Spurzem. From 2017 to 2019 he was a co-PI of the Chinese-Kazakhstan grant, funded by the National Astronomical Observatory of China, CAS supervised by Prof. Dr. Spurzem. Since 2017 co-organizer of Kazakhstan-China-Korea (KCK) annual workshop on astrophysics to be soon transformed to the Silk Road Conference. Since 2022 he is a member of the executive committee of the International Virtual Observatories Alliance.

In 2023 he took an active part in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), a professional exchange program (USA). Within this program, he studied the best practices of the leading US space centers, got acquainted with space technologies and leading specialists of these centers.
From 2024 Prof. Dr. Chingis Omarov – member of the National council on science and technology under President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In October 2024, Professor Ch. T. Omarov was awarded the Order of Kurmet for significant achievements in the development of science.


  • Shestakova L. I., Spassyuk R., Omarov C. Thermal stresses as a possible mechanism for initiating the destruction of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. January 2025. [doi]
  • Mastrobuono-Battisti A., Amaro Seoane P., Fullana i Alfonso M.J., Omarov C., Yurin D., Makukov M., Omarova G., Ogiya G. Prograde and retrograde stars in nuclear cluster merger. Evolution of the supermassive black hole binary and the host galactic nucleus. Astronomy & Astrophysics. November 2024. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Kuvatova D., Ishchenko M., Berczik P., Omarov C., Kalambay M. The influence of observational errors in Gaia DR3 on the reconstruction of globular cluster orbits on a cosmological timescale. Herald of the Kazakh-British technical university, 21, 258-272. October 2024. [doi]
  • Ishchenko M., Berczik P., Panamarev T., Kuvatova D., Kalambay M., Gluchshenko A., Veles O., Sobolenko M., Sobodar O., Omarov C. Dynamical evolution of Milky Way globular clusters on the cosmological timescale. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689, A178. September 2024. [doi]
  • Ishchenko M., Kovaleva D. A., Berczik P., Kharchenko N. V., Piskunov A. E., Polyachenko E., Postnikova E., Just A., Borodina O., Omarov C., Sobodar O. Star-by-star dynamical evolution of the physical pair of the Collinder 135 and UBC 7 open clusters. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 686, A225. June 2024. [doi]
  • Yurin D., Makukov M., Kuvatova D., Gluchshenko A., Omarov C. Applying Zero-Crossing Method for Frequency Map Analysis of Dynamical Systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531, 1483-1495. June 2024. [doi]
  • Kozyreva V.S., Kusakin A.V., Bogomazov A.I., Omarov Ch.T. A photometric study of the eclipsing binary system V359 Herculis. Peremennye Zvezdy. 2023. [doi] [link]
  • Shomshekova S., Kondratyeva L., Omarov C., Izmailova I., Umirbayeva A., Moshkina S. Digital archival spectral data for Seyfert galaxies and their use in conjunction with modern FAI spectral data. Experimental Astronomy. November 2023. [doi]
  • Ishchenko M., Sobolenko M., Berczik P., Omarov C., Sobodar O., Kalambay M., Yurin D. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. III. Interaction rates. Astronomy & Astrophysics. August 2023. [doi]
  • Ishchenko M., Sobolenko M., Berczik P., Khoperskov S., Omarov C., Sobodar O., Makukov M. Milky Way globular clusters on cosmological timescales. I. Evolution of the orbital parameters in time-varying potentials. Astronomy & Astrophysics. April 2023. [doi]
  • Vázquez-Aceves V., Amaro Seoane P., Kuvatova D., Makukov M., Omarov C., Yurin D. Intermediate-mass ratio inspirals in merging elliptical galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 2113-2118. January 2023. [doi]
  • Ďurech J., Vokrouhlický D., Pravec P., Krugly Yu. N., Kim M.-J., Polishook D., Ayvazian V. V., Bonev T., Choi Y.-J., Datashvili D. G., Donchev Z., Ehgamberdiev S. A., Hornoch K., Inasaridze R. Ya., Kapanadze G. V., Kim D.-H., Kučáková H., Kusakin A. V., Kušnirák P., Lee H.-J., Molotov I. E., Moon H.-K., Mykhailova S. S., Nikolenko I. V., Novichonok A., Oey J., Omarov Ch. T., Pollock J. T., Reva I. V., Rumyantsev V. V., Zhornichenko A. A. Rotation acceleration of asteroids (10115) 1992 SK, (1685) Toro, and (1620) Geographos due to the YORP effect. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 657, A5. 2022. [doi]
  • Kozyreva V.S., Kusakin A.V., Bogomazov A.I., Omarov Ch.T., Krylov A.V. Photometric Elements, Apsidal Motion, Brightness Variations, and Light-time Effect in the Eclipsing Binary System V957 Cephei. Peremennye Zvezdy. 2022. [doi] [link]
  • Shomshekova S., Izmailova I., Umirbayeva A., Omarov C. A method for digitization of archival astroplates of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute. New Astronomy, 97, 101881. November 2022. [doi]
  • Shestakova L.I., Serebryanskiy A.V, Krugov M.A., Aimanova G.K., Omarov Ch.T. Signs of Emissions of Alkali Metals Na i, Li i, and K i During First Minutes After DART Probe Crash on Dimorphos. Research Notes of the AAS, 6, 223. October 2022. [doi]
  • Nodyarov A. S., Miroshnichenko A. S., Khokhlov S. A., Zharikov S. V., Manset N., Klochkova V. G., Grankin K. N., Arkharov A. A., Efimova N., Klimanov S., Larionov V. M., Rudy R. J., Puetter R. C., Perry R. B., Reva I. V., Omarov C. T., Kokumbaeva R. I. Toward Understanding the B[e] Phenomenon. IX. Nature and Binarity of MWC645. The Astrophysical Journal, 936, 129. September 2022. [doi]
  • Khokhlov S., Miroshnichenko A., Zharikov S., Grankin K., Zakhozhay O., Manset N., Arkharov A., Efimova N., Klimanov S., Larionov V., Khokhlov A., Kusakin A., Omarov C., Kokumbaeva R., Reva I., Agishev A. Toward Understanding the B[e] Phenomenon. VIII. Nature and Variability of IRAS 07080+0605. The Astrophysical Journal, 932, 36. June 2022. [doi]
  • Reddy V., Kelley M., Dotson J., Farnocchia D., Erasmus N., Polishook D., Masiero J., Benner L., Bauer J., Alarcon M., Balam D., Bamberger D., Bell D., Barnardi F., Bressi T., Brozovic M., Brucker M., Buzzi L., Cano J., Cantillo D., Cennamo R., Chastel S., Omarov Ch., Choi Y., Christensen E., Denneau L., Dróżdż M., Elenin L., Erece O., Faggioli L., Falco C., Glamazda D., Graziani F., Heinze A., Holman M., Ivanov A., Jacques C., Rensburg P., Kaiser G., Kamiński K., Kamińska M., Kaplan M., Kim D., Kim M., Kiss C., Kokina T., Kuznetsov E., Larsen J., Lee H., Lees R., León J., Licandro J., Mainzer A., Marciniak A., Marsset M., Mastaler R., Mathias D., McMillan R., Medeiros H., Micheli M., Mokhnatkin A., Moon H., Morate D., Naidu S., Nastasi A., Novichonok A., Ogłoza W., Pál A., Pérez-Toledo F., Perminov A., Petrescu E., Popescu M., Read M., Reichart D., Reva I., Roh D., Rumpf C., Satpathy A., Schmalz S., Scotti J., Serebryanskiy A., Serra-Ricart M., Sonbas E., Szakáts R., Taylor P., Tonry J., Tubbiolo A., Veres P., Wainscoat R., Warner E., Weiland H., Wells G., Weryk R., Wheeler L., Wiebe Y., Yim H., Żejmo M., Zhornichenko A., Zoła S., Michel P. Apophis Planetary Defense Campaign. The Planetary Science Journal, 3, 123. May 2022. [doi]
  • Kuvatova D.B., Yurin D.V., Makukov M.A., Omarov Ch.T. Response of the isotropic Hernquist sphere to flattening of its spatial structure. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1, 94-101. March 2022. [doi]
  • Kozyreva V. S., Kusakin A. V., Bogomazov A. I., Omarov Ch. T. Pulsations of the AS Cam Eclipsing Binary in TESS Light Curves. Astrophysical Bulletin, 76, 424-434. October 2021. [doi]
  • Serebryanskiy A., Akniyazov Ch., Demchenko B., Komarov A., Omarov Ch., Reva I., Krugov M., Voropaev V. Statistical analysis of object congestion in the geostationary region. Acta Astronautica, 182, 424-431. May 2021. [doi]
  • Miroshnichenko A. S., Danford S., Zharikov S. V., Klochkova V. G., Chentsov E. L., Vanbeveren D., Zakhozhay O. V., Manset N., Pogodin M. A., Omarov C. T., Kuratova A. K., Khokhlov S. A. Properties of Galactic B[e] Supergiants. V. 3 Pup-Constraining the Orbital Parameters and Modeling the Circumstellar Environments. The Astrophysical Journal, 897, 48. July 2020. [doi]
  • Panamarev T., Otebay A., Shukirgaliyev B., Kalambay M., Just A., Spurzem R., Berczik P., Omarov Ch. Population of double White Dwarfs in the Galactic Center. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 331, 15-20. July 2020. [doi]
  • Denissyuk E., Valiullin R., Omarov Ch., Shomshekova S., Krugov M., Omar B. Studies of Seyfert galaxies in Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute. Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, 67, 61-67. June 2020. [ads]
  • Bibossinov A., Yurin D., Omarov C. Numerical Studies of Astrophysical Objects at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute (FAI). Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, 2, 124-134. 2018. [doi]
  • Khokhlov S.A., Miroshnichenko A.S., Zharikov S.V., Manset N., Arkharov A.A., Efimova N., Klimanov S., Larionov V.M., Kusakin A.V., Kokumbaeva R.I., Omarov Ch.T., Kuratov K.S., Kuratova A.K., Rudy R.J., Laag E.A., Crawford K.B., Swift T.K., Puetter R.C., Perry R.B., Chojnowski S.D., Agishev A., Caton D.B., Hawkins R.L., Smith A.B., Reichart D.E., Kouprianov V.V., Haislip J.B. Toward Understanding the B[e] Phenomenon. VII. AS 386, a Single-lined Binary with a Candidate Black Hole Component. The Astrophysical Journal, 856, 158. April 2018. [doi]
  • Panamarev T., Shukirgaliyev B., Meiron Y., Berczik P., Just A., Spurzem R., Omarov Ch., Vilkoviskij E. Star-disc interaction in galactic nuclei: formation of a central stellar disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. February 2018. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Dubovichenko S., Burtebayev N., Dzhazairov-Kakhramanov A., Zazulin D., Kerimkulov Zh., Nassurlla M., Omarov Ch., Tkachenko A., Shmygaleva T., Kliczewski S., Sadykov T. New measurements and phase shift analysis of p16O elastic scattering at astrophysical energies. Chinese Physics C, 41, 014001. April 2017. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Kato T., Ishioka R., Isogai K., Kimura M., Imada A., Miller I., Masumoto K., Nishino H., Kojiguchi N., Kawabata M., Sakai D., Sugiura Y., Furukawa H., Yamamura K., Kobayashi H., Matsumoto K., Wang S.-Y., Chou Y., Ngeow C.-C., Chen W.-P., Panwar N., Lin C.-S., Hsiao H.-Y., Guo J.-K., Lin C.-C., Omarov C., Kusakin A., Krugov M., Starkey D.R., Pavlenko E.P., Antonyuk K.A., Sosnjvskij A.A., Antonyuk O.I., Pit N.V., Baklanov A.V., Babina J.V., Itoh H., Padovan S., Akazawa H., Kafka S., de Miguel E., Pickard R.D., Kiyota S., Shugarov S.Y., Chochol D., Krushevska V., Sekeráš M., Pikalova O., Sabo R., Dubovsky P.A., Kudzej I., Ulowetz J., Dvorak S., Stone G., Tordai T., Dubois F., Logie L., Rau S., Vanaverbeke S., Vanmunster T., Oksanen A., Maeda Y., Kasai K., Katysheva N., Morelle E., Neustroev V.V., Sjoberg G. RZ Leonis Minoris bridging between ER Ursae Majoris-type dwarf nova and nova-like system. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. December 2016. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
  • Shukirgaliyev B.T., Panamarev T.P., Naurzbaeva A.Z., Kalambay M.T., Makukov M.A., Vilkoviskij E.Y., Omarov C.T., Berczik P., Just A., Spurzem R. Effect of gas accretion disc profile on orbital parameters of the accreted stars. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 309, 5-13. October 2016. [ads]
  • Шукиргалиев Б.Т., Панамарев Т.П., Абдрахманов С.Г., Макуков М.А., Омаров Ч.Т. Влияние профиля аккреционного диска на динамику активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 5, 5-11. 2015.
  • Miroshnichenko A.S., Zharikov S.V., Danford S., Manset N., Korcakova D., Kricek R., Schlechta M., Omarov Ch.T., Kusakin A.V., Grankin K.N. Toward understanding The B[e] Phenomenon: V. Nature and spectral variations of the MWC 728 binary system. The Astrophysical Journal, 809. August 2015. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
  • Макуков М.А., Мычелкин Э.Г., Омаров Ч.Т., Панамарев Т.П., Шукиргалиев Б.Т., Юрин Д.В. Моделирование эволюции галактик на фоне темной материи. Астрофизические исследования космических объектов. Под ред. Мусабаева Т.А. – Серия «Казахстанские космические исследования», 10, 136-151. September 2013. [link]
  • Vilkoviskij E.Y., Makukov M., Omarov C., Panamarev T., Yurin D., Spurzem R., Berczik P., Just A. Numerical simulations of AGN evolution. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 28, 151-160. August 2013. [ads]
  • Just A., Yurin D., Makukov M., Berczik P., Omarov C., Spurzem R., Vilkoviskij E.Y. Enhanced Accretion Rates of Stars on Supermassive Black Holes by Star-Disk Interactions in Galactic Nuclei. The Astrophysical Journal, 758, 51. October 2012. [doi] [arxiv] [ads]
  • Вильковиский Э.Я., Макуков М.A., Омаров Ч.Т. Моделирование эволюции активных ядер галактик с учётом столкновений звёзд. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 3-7. 2011.
  • Вильковиский Э.Я., Макуков М.А., Омаров Ч.Т., Юрин Д.В. Расчеты эволюции активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 40-45. 2010.
  • Вильковиский Э.Я., Омаров Ч.Т., Шпурцем Р., Макуков М., Юрин Д., Юст А. Численное моделирование влияния диссипативных сил на эволюцию активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 10-15. 2009.
  • Вильковиский Э.Я., Омаров Ч.Т., Шпурцем Р., Макуков М., Юрин Д., Юст А. Моделирование динамики и эволюции активных ядер галактик. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, 4, 6-10. 2009.