Mychelkin Senior Researcher
Fields of research: gauge fields, affine geometries, quantum field theory, electrodynamics, general relativity, cosmology

Phone: +7 (727) 260 75 91


  • Mychelkin E., Makukov M., Suliyeva G., Jafari N. On the weak and strong field effects in antiscalar background. General Relativity and Gravitation, 56. April 2024. [doi]
  • Makukov M., Mychelkin E. Rotation in vacuum and scalar background: are there alternatives to Newman-Janis algorithm?. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 32, 2350023. May 2023. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Mychelkin E.G., Makukov M.A. Coordinate effect: Vaidya solutions without integrating the field equations. General Relativity and Gravitation, 52, 113. November 2020. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Makukov M.A., Mychelkin E.G. Triple path to the exponential metric. Foundations of Physics. September 2020. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Mychelkin E.G., Makukov M.A. Scalarized Raychaudhuri identity and its applications. Physical Review D, 99, 104055. May 2019. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Makukov M.A., Mychelkin E.G. Simpler than vacuum: Antiscalar alternatives to black holes. Physical Review D, 98, 064050. September 2018. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Mychelkin E.G., Makukov M.A. Unified geometrical basis for the generalized Ehlers identities and Raychaudhuri equations. Reports on Mathematical Physics, 81, 157-164. April 2018. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Mychelkin E.G., Makukov M.A. Tachyonic approach to neutrino dark matter. Proceedings of the 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, C, 2591-2596. December 2017. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Makukov M.A., Mychelkin E.G., Saveliev V.L. On possible tachyonic state of neutrino dark matter. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series, 41, 1660133. March 2016. [doi] [arxiv]
  • Mychelkin E.G., Makukov M.A. Fundamental scalar fields and the dark side of the universe. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 24, 1544025. October 2015. [doi] [arxiv] (Honorable Mention in the Gravity Research Foundation 2015 Awards)
  • Mychelkin E.G., Makukov M.A. Antiscalar cosmological background. arXiv. June 2015. [arxiv]
  • Макуков М.А., Мычелкин Э.Г., Омаров Ч.Т., Панамарев Т.П., Шукиргалиев Б.Т., Юрин Д.В. Моделирование эволюции галактик на фоне темной материи. Астрофизические исследования космических объектов. Под ред. Мусабаева Т.А. – Серия «Казахстанские космические исследования», 10, 136-151. September 2013. [link]