Aimuratov Lead researcher at the laboratory of Physics of Stars and Nebulae


Fields of research: gamma-ray bursts, variable stars.


Phone: +7 (727) 260 75 76


2011 – graduated from  Kazakh national polytechnic university named after Satbayev with bach bachelor degree in “Technical physics”

2013 – graduated from  Kazakh national University named after Abai with bach master degree in “Physics”

2014 – 2017 – postgraduate programm in “Relativistic astrophysics” at the Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Rome, Italy)

2020 г. – defence a PhD thesis “Gamma-Ray Bursts within Fireshell Model” at the Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Rome, Italy), scientific supervisor – Remo Ruffini.

Work experience:

2012-2020 – researcher at Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute.
2020-2023 – senior researcher
2023- now – lead researcher


  • Beissen N., Abishev M., Toktarbay S., Yernazarov T., Aimuratov Y., Khassanov M. Nonlinear electrodynamical lensing of electromagnetic waves on the dipole magnetic field of the magnetar. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 32. December 2023. [doi]
  • Aimuratov Y., Becerra L. M., Bianco C. L., Cherubini C., Valle M. D., Filippi S., Li 李 L. 亮., Moradi R., Rastegarnia F., Rueda J. A., Ruffini R., Sahakyan N., Wang 王 Y. 瑜., Zhang 张 S. R. 书瑞. GRB-SN Association within the Binary-driven Hypernova Model. The Astrophysical Journal, 955, 93. September 2023. [doi]
  • Kim V., Izmailova I., Aimuratov Y. Catalog of the Galactic Population of X-Ray Pulsars in High-mass X-Ray Binary Systems. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 268, 21. September 2023. [doi]
  • Kim V., Umirbayeva A., Aimuratov Y. Estimates of the Surface Magnetic Field Strength of Radio Pulsars. Universe, 9, 334. July 2023. [doi]
  • Wang Yu., Rueda J. A., Ruffini R., Moradi R., Li L., Aimuratov Y., Rastegarnia F., Eslamzadeh S., Sahakyan N., Zheng Y. GRB 190829A—A Showcase of Binary Late Evolution. The Astrophysical Journal, 936, 190. September 2022. [doi]
  • Ruffini R., Moradi R., Rueda J.A., Li L., Sahakyan N., Chen Y.-C., Wang Y., Aimuratov Y., Becerra L., Bianco C.L., Cherubini C., Filippi S., Karlica M., Mathews G.J., Muccino M., Pisani G.B., Xue S.S. The morphology of the X-ray afterglows and of the jetted GeV emission in long GRBs. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. March 2021. [doi]
  • Abishev M., Aimuratov Ye., Aldabergenov Ye., Beissen N., Bakytzhan Zh., Takibayeva M. Some astrophysical effects of nonlinear vacuum electrodynamics in the magnetosphere of a pulsar. Astroparticle Physics, 73, 8-13. January 2016. [doi]
  • Kondratyeva L.N., Rspaev F.K., Aimuratov Y.K. Ionization structure of the nebula NGC 6857. Astronomy Letters, 40, 704-712. November 2014. [doi] [ads]
  • Rspaev F., Kondratyeva L., Aimuratov Y. CH Cygni: new brightening in 2014. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 6117, 1. October 2014. [ads]