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Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Physics of Stars and Nebulae Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Fields of research: solar physics, application of nonlinear methods for analysis of temporal series Email: gauhar@fai.kz Phone: +7 (727) 260 74 41 |
1974 – graduated from Physics Department of Moscow State University with a degree in Astronomy
1978-1981 гг. – postgraduate program in Astronomy at Fesenkov astrophysical institute.
1983 г. – defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on the topic “Investigation of the fine structure of the chromosphere by spectral and monochromatic observations during and outside solar eclipses” at the dissertation council of the Pulkovo Observatory
Work expirience:
Since 1974 yr. a researcher at Fesenkov astrophysical institute.
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- Kondratyeva L. N., Reva I. V., Denissyuk E. K., Shomshekova S. A., Aimanova A. K. Photometric and Spectral Studies of a Group of Wolf-Rayet Galactic Stars. II. WC and WO Sequences. Astrophysics. May 2024. [doi]
- Kondratyeva L. N., Reva I. V., Denissyuk E. K., Shomshekova S. A., Aimanova G. K. Photometric and Spectral Studies of the Group of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars. I. WN Sequence. Astrophysics. January 2024. [doi]
- Shestakova L., Serebryanskiy A., Aimanova G. Observations of alkaline emissions NaI, KI and LiI during first minutes after DART probe impact on Dimorphos. Icarus. April 2023. [doi]
- Denissyuk E. K., Valiullin R. R., Shomshekova S. A., Kondratyeva L. N., Reva I. V., Aimanova G. A., Krugov M. A. Results of Spectral Observations of 15 Seyfert Galaxies. Astrophysics. January 2023. [doi]
- Shestakova L.I., Serebryanskiy A.V, Krugov M.A., Aimanova G.K., Omarov Ch.T. Signs of Emissions of Alkali Metals Na i, Li i, and K i During First Minutes After DART Probe Crash on Dimorphos. Research Notes of the AAS, 6, 223. October 2022. [doi]
- Kondratyeva L.N., Reva I.V., Aimanova G.K., Shomshekova S.A., Krugov M.A. Active Stage of the Symbiotic Object MWC 560, 2018-2021. Astrophysics. September 2021. [doi]
- Kondratyeva L.N., Reva I.V., Krugov M.A., Aimanova G.K., Kim V.Y. Spectral and Photometric Study of Some Wolf-Rayet Stars. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 337, 54-61. June 2021. [doi]
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- Kondratyeva L., Denissyuk E., Reva I., Krugov M., Aimanova G., Kusakin A., Omar B. Photometric and Spectral Study of the Be/X-Ray Binary Object V725 Tau=A0535+262. Astrophysics, 63, 367-375. September 2020. [doi]
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