The birth of astrobiology in Kazakhstan
June 2, 2023.
Digitization of the FAI astroplates library. Interview with Alexander Serebryanskiy
February 8, 2023.
Важно! Перерегистрация АФИФ и изменение наименования.
December 8, 2022.
Дочернее товарищество с ограниченной отвественностью «Астрофизический институт имени В.Г. Фесенкова» уведомляет о том, что в связи со сменой участника и наименования Дочернего товарищества с ограниченной отвествтенностью «Астрофизический институт имени В.Г. Фесенкова», институт прошел перерегистрацию как Товарищество с ограниченной отвественностью «Астрофизический институт имени В.Г. Фесенкова»
“A look into space: what is being studied at the observatory near Almaty?” – an article of the news portal “MIR-24”
November 29, 2022.
“Why the stars are getting brighter in our time – the story of an astrophysicist.” Interview of Maxim Krugov to the news portal Kazinform
November 26, 2022.
Recent publication: Signs of Emissions of Alkali Metals Na I, Li I, and K I During First Minutes After DART Probe Crash on Dimorphos
November 22, 2022.
We present the results of the analysis of spectral observations taken a few minutes before, at the time, and in the first minutes after the impact of the DART probe on the asteroid Dimorphos. Our analysis showed signs of Na I, Li I, and K I alkali metal emissions appearing at the time of the impact and for several minutes after it.
The National Virtual Observatory of Kazakhstan joined the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA)
November 5, 2022.
FAI employees have done a lot of scientific and organizational work within the framework of the project "Creation of a National Virtual Observatory based on robotic telescopes, Big-Data technologies and high-performance computing systems", which allowed Kazakhstan to be elected a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). The mission of the alliance is to promote the international coordination and cooperation necessary to provide global and integrated access to data collected by astronomical observatories in various countries.