International forum “Space Days Kazakhstan 2024”
March 26, 2024.
On June 19-20, 2024, the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry in Astana will hold the International Forum “Space Days Kazakhstan 2024.” More than 400 representatives from more than 50 countries and international organizations are expected to attend the forum, which will include panel discussions on various space issues and a Youth Space Forum.
FAI Director Dr. Chingis Omarov was awarded the academic title of professor
December 5, 2023.
Based on order No. 758 dated October 27, 2023, signed by the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Director of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute Chingis Omarov was awarded the academic title of professor.
“Star Plateau” – interview with FAI director Ch.T. Omarov for news portal New Generation (in Russian)
December 5, 2023.
In 2022, the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute became a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVAO), and in 2023 – a member of the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) under the auspices of the United Nation Organization. FAI is the only institution from Central Asia included in IVAO and IAWN.
Anniversary of Victor Tejfel
October 19, 2023.
Visit of the director of the Pulkovo Observatory
October 10, 2023.
Kazakhstan has become a member of IAWN
August 10, 2023.
Справка о соискателе ученого звания профессора и список трудов Омарова Ч.Т.
July 17, 2023.
Справка о соискателе ученого звания профессора и список публикаций Омарова Ч.Т., согласно "Правилам присвоения ученых званий":
Справка о соискателе ученого звания профессора: [PDF] [DOCX]
Список трудов (Приложение 2): [PDF] [DOCX]
Список трудов (в журналах, рекомендуемых уполномоченным органом): [PDF] [DOCX]
Справка о соискателе ученого звания профессора: [PDF] [DOCX]
Список трудов (Приложение 2): [PDF] [DOCX]
Список трудов (в журналах, рекомендуемых уполномоченным органом): [PDF] [DOCX]