Seminar by Eduard Mychelkin (28.07.2015)
July 24, 2015.
Seminar by Denis Yurin (21.07.2015)
July 15, 2015.
On July 21 at 11 a.m. in the Round Hall we have a seminar by Dr. Denis Yurin entitled “A new iterative method for constructing eqilibrium N-body systems”. The topic discusses the problem of creating initial conditions for controlled numerical experiments (see arXiv:1402.1623). Everyone interested in the topic is welcome to the seminar.
Seminar by Yerbol Khassen (14.07.2015)
July 7, 2015.
There is a seminar by PhD student Yerbol Khassen entitled “Ground-based high-energy astrophysics” on July 14th at 11 am. The topics to be covered are: – The results and perspectives in ground-based high-energy astrophysics; – Review of the observations using VERITAS telescopes at Arisona; – Methods of gamma-radiation detection; – Technologies of data processing; –
In memory of Alexander V. Didenko
May 28, 2015.
Tian Shan observatory by the eyes of Vox Populi
April 26, 2015.
Don't miss this amazing photo-reportage by Vox Populi about our Tian Shan observatory and those who work in it.
Tian Shan Observatory has finished telescope upgrade
August 14, 2014.
Tian Shan Astronomical Observatory (TSHAO), located in the Almaty region, has finished the upgrade of its two telescopes. After the collapse of the USSR, neither telescope of the Tian Shan Observatory was active. The reason laid in the failure of the outdated telescope control system and the lack of parts for the repair. In 2013, Test photometric observations of an asteroid at Tian Shan observatory within the ISON project
April 28, 2014. told about performing test photometric observations of asteroid 2003 GS with the upgraded 1-meter Zeiss telescope at Tian Shan observatory, by a joint Russian and Kazakh team.