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        In November this year, Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute signed an agreement on joint scientific, technical and academic activities with one of the largest astronomical institutions in Russia – Pulkovo Observatory (St. Petersburg). Within the framework of the agreement, in the next few months at the observation site of the Academician Omarov Assy-Turgen observatory the Meade LX-200 telescope (D=16 inches [~40 cm], F = 406.4 cm) with Schmidt–Cassegrain system, which arrived from St. Petersburg will begin to operate to study dynamic processes in active galactic nuclei. In the foreseeable future, the telescope will be fully automated, which will allow observations without human intervention. At the moment, work is being completed on the installation and adjusting of the dome for the telescope.

Meade LX-200 (D=16 inches [~40 cm], F = 406.4 cm) telescope with fork-mount.

New dome in the process of installation on Assy-Turgen observatory (2021)