Seminar by M. Ishchenko on the topic: Triune model of the dynamic evolution of the Galactic center on the cosmological time scale
May 13, 2024.
On May 29 at 11 a.m. in the Round Hall of the Institute there will be a seminar by Marina Viktorovna Ishchenko (MAO NASU, FAI) on the topic: “The Triune Model of the Dynamic Evolution of the Galactic Center on the Cosmological Time Scale”. The seminar will be held in off-line format. FAI researchers and specialists from other institutions ...
A scientific seminar was held by the director of the Pulkovo Observatory N.R. Ikhsanov.
May 10, 2024.
April 23, at the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, a seminar was held by the director of the Pulkovo Observatory, N.R. Ikhsanov, on the topic “Pulsar-like white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables”. The report was devoted to discovering two new sources, which, in a number of manifestations, resemble the two most exotic representatives of the family of explosive variable stars: AE Aquarii ...
Seminar: Rotational evolution of neutron stars in gaseous medium with magnetic field
November 25, 2019.
On December 4, 2019 at 11 a.m. we have a seminar entitled "Rotational evolution of neutron stars in gaseous medium with magnetic field", which will be delivered by Vitaliy Kim, a researcher in the laboratory of physics of stars and nebulae of FAPHI.
How efficiently does the Universe produce stars?
August 6, 2019.
Talk by Ahunov T.A. on the CCD-photometry of selected gravitationally lensed quasars and cases of wide fields
April 11, 2019.
On April, 17 we have a scientific counsel meeting, where Ahunov T.A. of the National university of Uzbekistan will give a talk "The CCD-photometry of selected gravitationally lensed quasars and cases of wide fields". The talk is delivered in the framework of the dissertation seeking the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (specialty 01.03.01 - Astronomy).
Seminar: eROSITA, x-Rays, GRBs, and Gravitational Waves
November 19, 2018.
On November 23, at 10 a.m., we have a double lecture, where Prof. Jürgen Schmitt of the Hamburg Observatory will present a talk "eROSITA - A new all-sky survey in X-rays", and Dr. Alexei Pozanenko of the Space Research Institute (Russia) will talk about gamma-ray bursts and their relation to gravitational waves.