Open star clusters live longer than previously assumed
January 15, 2019.
2019 astronomical calendar for Almaty
December 7, 2018.
Here you can download the 2019 astronomical calendar compiled for Almaty location: sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset moments, length of days, moments of equinoxes and solstices (download pdf, 790kb).
Seminar: eROSITA, x-Rays, GRBs, and Gravitational Waves
November 19, 2018.
On November 23, at 10 a.m., we have a double lecture, where Prof. Jürgen Schmitt of the Hamburg Observatory will present a talk "eROSITA - A new all-sky survey in X-rays", and Dr. Alexei Pozanenko of the Space Research Institute (Russia) will talk about gamma-ray bursts and their relation to gravitational waves.
The NUTTelA-TAO project: A fast-response telescope mounted at the Assy-Turgen observatory
October 23, 2018.
The NUTTelA-TAO project is a collaboration between Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (Nazarbayev University), Space Sciences Laboratory (University of California, Berkeley), and FAPHI. The project aims at studying astrophysical events related to optical counterparts of gamma-ray bursts and other processes requiring fast response for their investigation. The original design of the telescope allows to start observations of an object ...
Prof. Remo Ruffini visits FAPHI on Sep 7, 2018
September 5, 2018.
On Friday, September 7, 2018, at 10 a.m. we have a talk by Prof. Remo Ruffini, the President of the International Centre for Relativistic Astrophysics (ICRA). The subject of the talk is "GRB180728A, our predicted Supernova denominated on 27 August SN2018fip and conceptual inferences".
Eclipses observed in summer of 2018 from Kazakhstan
July 24, 2018.